Our floor and surface cleaning equipment is designed to make your facilities more sanitary and your cleaning practices more productive. Our environmentally-sound cleaning solutions not only improve cleanliness with fewer chemicals and less labour, they can also significantly improve comfort and the overall experience within offices and public buildings. Improving your facilities and enhancing your reputation is all part of our commitment to provide you with superior value, reliability and efficiency in everything we make and everything we do.
Industrial cleaning machines such as walk-behind and ride-on sweepers, as well as industrial pressure washers, are often appropriate choices; just make sure you dispose of the waste accumulated in a safe and secure manner. Many businesses today like to be associated with brands which are clean and green, so if your cleaners are dumping hazardous sludge in the local river, your reputation is certainly going to suffer.
Select a product you would like to Hire/Purchase:
Air Purifier Hire (1)
ATEX rated Industrial Vacuum Cleaners (8)
Combination Sweeper Scrubber-Dryer Machines (3)
Dulevo Ride On Sweeper Machines (6)
Floor Buffing And Polishing Machines (4)
Floor Cleaning Chemicals (8)
Floor Cleaning Machines (31)
Heavy Duty Floor Scrubbers (4)
Industrial Floor Scrubber & Scrubber-Dryer Machines (19)
Industrial Steam Cleaner (1)
Industrial Vacuum Cleaners (24)
Ozone Sanitiser Machine (1)
Professional Carpet Cleaning Machine (2)
Replacement Parts, Spares, & Hoses (25)
Ride On Floor Sweepers and Walk Behind Sweepers (17)
Ride On Scrubber-Dryers (8)
Ride On Vacuum Sweepers (11)
Robotic Floor Cleaners - Sweeper or Scrubber-Dryer (4)
Scrub Brushes and Floor Pads (8)
Sweepers with TRS System (16)